My Journey from novice to Full Stack Developer

My first Glimpse at coding was in class 5th with a very simple programming language. I guess Basic or other I don’t remember the name. At that time our teachers helped us to perform some basic operations. I was a big fan of controlling machines. Coding was the way to go. In the 9th standard, I choose Computer and came across Java. A stunning but confusing programming language.

In 11th Clas again I picked computer science and this time learned C++. At the time I used to think I know a lot of Programming. But still, I was not able to control Computer. Soon, I learned from the Internet that the code is used to build software which in turn controls the computer. But years of Confusion and research finally landed me on an idea to build a website. I had this great idea that could make a difference. I used WordPress not satisfied. I used Wix not satisfied. Finally, I came across Full Stack Web Development. I thought this can help me build my dream website and also it will help me pursue a career.

The Journey began

January 2019 the day I purchased my first Udemy course The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele. I learned the basics of HTML, CSS, and then I had to stop. Managing life between College and learning something different is quite difficult especially when you are doing it for the first time. My Semester ended by May 2019 and I began my course back from start in June 2019. I gave 2 straight months to the Course. Learning and practicing. I completed the course and I felt like I know everything.

I created accounts on various freelancing websites and soon realized I still don’t know a lot. So, I began to read the MDN docs to increase my HTML, CSS, and JS knowledge. The One Thing that always kept me ahead of the learning schedule is that I don’t memorize things. TIll this date I have built various projects worked with a Startup and yet I don’t remember most of my syntax. To be a developer you just need to know the concepts and how to reach a solution to the problem. You can always find syntax on google.

By the end of 2019, I earned freecodecamp certificate and was ready to rock. Just when I had enough knowledge to start building websites I came across self-doubt. The self-doubt made me believe I am not a good developer. But the dream to build my website kept me going and I started again practicing and building all the projects and exercises that I previously built to prove to myself I am capable of doing this. At the beginning of the year 2020, I bought another course The Advanced web developer Bootcamp to learn advanced stuff of HTML, CSS, JS, and other versions of JS, React-Redux, and much more.

I must say I have always been a confused man. When you have choices to learn different things from various sources you get confused. I found myself jumping from One approach of learning to another. Like I went from old school note-making to the latest Documentation reading approach. But believe there is no better approach than taking a basic video course to get started. Read the docs for better knowledge and practice by building projects to master the skill.

In March of 2020, I was selected to be part of a Startup development team. Building the website for that startup taught me a lot of things. Like Git version control, API integration, and most importantly I can really build some complex websites. Today I have come a long way but still, I am not satisfied. I started building explorenutia a week ago. But realized React has SEO problems so dropped the idea. Now I am learning NextJS and other technologies that will help overcome SEO issues of React and then I will start building it again.

Subscribe to the newsletter of this website to get updated whenever I release v1 of Explorenutia. I plan to release it by the end of this year. In case you need some portfolio inspiration feel free to check out mine. Here is the link.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being


  1. Manish Kumar
    July 24, 2020

    Great.Unbiased Journey

    • ManOrInfinity
      July 24, 2020

      Tried my best to be honest😅

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