Category: A Better Man

March 30, 2024 / A Better Man

It is only a person with flexible personality that is able to entrust individuals of different personalities and fortitude. Psychological flexibility simply means how you adapt your personality based on individuals and the environment. We all have been doing this for ages but not using it to our advantage. We…

February 3, 2024 / A Better Man

what we do in life echoes in enternity Maximum, Gladiator Masculinity is all about being the first one to face any problem and provide a solution. Men find meaning in being able to move some ground each day. Take all depressed men and they all have one thing common their…

August 15, 2023 / A Better Man

A great life is one spent in developing your reason. For reason is the key to a fulfilled life – Inspired by Plato Before we get any further let’s first understand what reason is. The reason is the ability to think, analyze facts logically and reach a conclusion. It is…

April 22, 2023 / A Better Man

Excellence is not a state to be achieved rather a never ending process that is to be ingrained in your lifestyle. -A Great Sage Once Said Often Excellence is defined as the essence of being of the greatest quality. But, what is considered greatest well the parameters for greatness might…

March 20, 2023 / A Better Man

One of the basic traits of traditional masculinity is stoicism. And the core of stoicism states that a man must introduce principles that limit his actions and behaviour to hold the monster in him. But, somewhere in the eagerness to be modern and cool we forgot the importance of principles…

March 5, 2023 / A Better Man

The universe itself is a duality Duality basically means having positive as well as negative nature of something. But, what do we have to understand from duality of universe. And how can it help us to be a better man? The one thing that we need to understand is that…

March 4, 2023 / A Better Man

Be selfless to be selfish Networking is defined as an action to exchange information with others and develop. However, networking is much more than just exchange of information. The basic idea behind networking is to exchange favors. Whether it is in terms of information exchange, expertise exchange, or more on…

February 16, 2023 / A Better Man

Self reflection is the one true art of self portrayal Most people believe self portrayal to be a delusional thought of a mad men. But, it is what your mind thinks of you that you become. Meaning if you wake up everyday and tell yourself that you are a loser…

February 2, 2023 / A Better Man

As a man it is your sacred duty to hold yourself accountable and be honourable. Accountability is the ability to identify a problem and taking action to solve it. To put it in simple terms accountability means being responsible. Now there is a broad spectrum of responsibilities that you can…

December 30, 2022 / A Better Man

It is the schedule of a man that makes or breaks his future A Schedule is vital to self-development. But it’s really difficult to follow a schedule if it is making you feel lousy. If you take a closer look at highly successful individuals’ schedules you will find certain similarities.…