Category: Infinity Fitness

Everything you need to know about building muscles and maintaining a great overall health

January 25, 2023 / Infinity Fitness

You have been working out for years getting good progress and suddenly you stop getting any results. Your body stabilizes in a certain weight class. And doesn’t progress further no matter how hard you hit. That’s what is called muscle plateau. Plateau is a condition where no further progress can…

January 20, 2023 / Infinity Fitness

Over the course of centuries the food we eat has drastically changed. This change has been both good and bad. Today food is easily available to us but it lacks many of the vital nutrients. Especially vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and Minerals are very essential for proper functioning of the…

January 11, 2023 / Infinity Fitness

Sprint is your first step to be limitless Ever wondered what’s the best exercise to build muscle and shred fat? Is it weightlifting or cardio or something alienated? It is sprinting. Sprinting is one of the most effective exercises, yet it is ignored by most people. Now you must argue…

January 9, 2023 / Infinity Fitness

Building a great physique is the primary objective of masculinity Body recomposition is true life example of rebirth. You still have the same soul but your body is entirely different. It simply means packing more muscles at the same body weight but with less fat. Less fat more muscles allows…

August 1, 2022 / Infinity Fitness

Ego lifts are the biggest problem in the gym culture and lead to most injuries while weightlifting. It’s more common in men. When you start lifting you should focus on proper form but most people focus on weight more than their form. When you hit heavyweight with the irregular form…

February 25, 2022 / Infinity Fitness

Who says that if you want to do extreme sports then you have to out of India. The statement is completely wrong. In India, You can do the most tremendous extreme sports at Rishikesh ( Rishikesh, a city of northern state, Uttarakhand) Which is situated at the foothills of the…

June 22, 2021 / Infinity Fitness
June 19, 2021 / Infinity Fitness
June 18, 2021 / Infinity Fitness
June 17, 2021 / Infinity Fitness

We know that, in a singly linked list every elements (node) has a pointer to its next element (node) in the sequence. Hence, if we want to traverse the singly linked list then we can traverse in only one direction. We cannot traverse back in the singly linked list.  But…