China launched the World’s First 6G satellite.

Earlier this month, China has launched a satellite to test the 6G technology, a feat that’s claimed to be the world’s first. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is still preoccupied with improving the 5G network and experience. China Unicom and Chinese telecom equipment producer ZTE on Sunday agreed to research and develop the 6G network under a cooperation pact.

They will discuss 6G prospects and technology trends. Research key 6G technologies and cooperate on standards, according to Chinese industry news website Telecom analysts said it’s important for China to get ahead in the 6G race to raise Chinese companies‘ voice in the global market. Some have estimated that 6G networks will be up to 10 times faster than 5G mobile networks. But they will need a decade of research and testing before public launch.

The satellite known as Star Era-12 was launched along with 12 other satellites from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center to test a frequency spectrum that will be considered for 6G. Although the global telecom industry has yet to settle on a final standard 6G specification. Data-transmission speed through 6G is significantly faster than 5G, which itself is many times faster than 4G.

A 6G-powered smartphone, for example, can download an ultra high definition(4K) movie in a matter of seconds. With the consumers’ increasing demand for faster internet for services like Live Streaming, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Game Streaming, and much more. Rise of 6G in inevitable.

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manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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