Apple is filled with surprises. iPhone from the day its first unveiled is put in front of customers as a Magic. Various new features are introduced every year and this year is no different. The rumors are spreading from full screen display to on screen fingerprint. Now Magic Coming with iPhone 12 as depth sensing camera.
Everyone knows about faceID and how it uses the depth sensor for more accurate and secure face authentication. Imagine the Same depth sensing technology in the rear camera. Many flagships obviously android ones have this feature. How useful can this be on an iPhone? One of the obvious one is better portraits and zoom photography
It will also act as an aid in Augmented Reality on iPhone. The benefits may vary with the new iOS. The tech for the same will be bought from Lumentum the Company that supplies the faceID sensors. This is just a rumour but the features for iPhone 12 have already been finalized as it is few months away from launching.
We can not no for sure if this feature is impacted by Coronavirus. The launch dates for iPhone may push forward than the expected trends. Due to Coronavirus pandemic the production of iPhone had a serious setback. But we hope next iPhone will arrive by the end of November. Also the MARCH Apple event might postponed to April.
So this was all about iPhone 12’s new Magic. Comment below if you have any query. Thumbs If you liked the post.
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