Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Plus

Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 was a pretty big deal when launched. The First Chip to feature 5G by Qualcomm. 865 was not only fast but also much more efficient than the previous generation. We already have a 5G so, why bother making another? 865 fulfills almost all our needs but every now and then Companies need to push the limits. Let us see what is new with 865 plus.

The new CPU has a clock speed of 3.1GHZ in the primary cores compared to 2.8 in the previous version. However, secondary cores don’t see any changes. Adreno 650 the new GPU for Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 plus is 10% more powerful than 865 Graphic engine. More Powerful Graphics engine will help keep things smooth as the refresh rates and aesthetics of smartphone improves.

Not to forget gaming. The new processor also features a Fastconnect 6900 suite for better wireless connectivity. Now you have Bluetooth 5.2 and Wifi 6E. It’s a minor upgrade. Many flagships will launch with this processor especially those focused on gaming. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being


  1. […] is in a tough spot with its processors. The Company is facing challengers like AMD, Apple, and Qualcomm in its processor kingdom. The lack of innovation lead intel loses its initial battles with the […]

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