Google adds smart compose to its Office apps.

Google today announced it’s bringing a slew of updates to Docs, Sheets, and Slides mobile apps. The update includes smart compose and other minor updates and also the fancy dark mode. Smart Compose is a useful feature. Gmail saved us billion of keystrokes with smart compose.

Just like Gmail Google smart compose uses AI to suggest what should you type next in a document or email. Smart compose was already in beta mode in the web apps of Google office suite. You can fill in your sentences with the text by swiping it. Google claims that this feature saves users 3 billion keystrokes a week, and based on my own use on web, I can say it is useful.

Other features coming to the apps include link previews as pop-ups, an updated comment interface, and vertical scrolling in Slides. You’ll also be able to edit Microsoft Office files with Docs, Slides, and Sheets.

Google adds in its announcement post that all of these updates are intended to make life easier for the many people working from home or working under more pressure thanks to the global pandemic: “And with the recent growth of remote work, providing all employees—not just those on the frontlines—with the flexibility to work the way they want has become a strategic necessity.”

All these features will rollout within a week or max a month depending on your region. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay humble!

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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