Category: Dual Boot Series

October 27, 2021 / Canvass

Linux is widely popular among techies. It is open source and can be installed on almost any machine. The Linux environment is the perfect environment for coders because of its ease. But, what if you are not a coder should you still switch to Linux? No, Linux is not good…

July 30, 2021 / Canvass

Intel RST (Rapid Storage Technology) is a new hard drive technology that gives your SATA, PCIe drives faster performance, low power consumption, and makes them more reliable. Intel also claims to improve data recovery in case of hard drive failure if RST is enabled. But not all operating systems can…

July 29, 2021 / Canvass

BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is a very small piece of code contained on a chip. When you turn on your PC BIOS checks the basic settings and configuration of your PC and then connects it to OS. But why does it matter in dual booting? When you want to…

July 27, 2021 / Canvass

While preparing to dual boot your laptop with more than one operating system the one step that will keep repeating itself is creating a bootable flash drive. Most laptops don’t support disk drives that’s why the flash drive is the preferred installation media these days. Most of us find it…