Schedule: Is Mandatory

If we go by the definition schedule is defined as a plan to carry out a procedure or process. I would like to emphasize the word plan here. When you have a dream you can’t achieve it without proper plan and execution of that plan. The plan is termed as schedule and execution is termed as discipline. In order to be a Better Man you need to keep these in sync.

A schedule is necessary for a better man to bring him closer to his goals as the day passes. Schedule should Mark one step closer to your goals. Without a proper schedule you will never be able to achieve anything in life because you will never have an idea as to where to get started. Schedule helps organise your day and gives you a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day.

This helps you keep motivating you to further continue working as per your schedule and thereby creating a better version of you each day. The best strategy is to build a schedule before sleeping. List down tasks you need to complete and define some timelines. Denzel Washington once said: “Dreams without Goals are just dreams”. I would take the courtesy to add to this quote. “Goals without a schedule are just Goals”. So, prepare a schedule

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being


  1. Upasna
    October 3, 2022

    Liked ur writing style 🙌

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