Rosetta 2: Apple’s Future Planning

Rosetta 2 is the key for transitioning from intel to ARM

Remember the day when Apple decided to transition from PowerChips to intel? Rosetta was the key to that transition. Original Rosetta was a macOS inbuilt emulator that allowed native mac apps to run on Intel chips which were built for powerChips. Today the history repeats and Apple announced in its latest WWDC event the transition to ARM. Guess What? Rosetta 2 is back with the same goal as before i.e. to facilitate the transition.

Apple was planning this transition for years. An integral part of this transition was macOS Catalina and the whole Catalyst project. What’s the biggest benefit of moving from intel to ARM? Neither the battery life nor it is performance. It’s all about giving apple users more power in their hands. Macs will now use the same arm64 chips which iPhones and iPads are using for years.

When the transition gets finalized you will be able to enjoy all the macOS apps on iPads, iPhones, and vice versa. I mean that’s too much power. Now you can actually have a touch screen MacBook. As for the Rosetta 2 as I told earlier it is just an emulator to assist mac users temporarily run apps built for intel on arm macs. As with every other emulator the apps will underperform on arm macs compared to intel ones.

But rest assured apple is working hard for transition and set a deadline for two years from now. Maybe you can wait and buy your next mac after 2 years or get your mac now because its the best time to get intel ones. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being


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