What Android 11 has to offer?

Several new features are landing with Android 11. These are most notable ones.

Android is the most popular smartphone operating system. The best part of Android is its ability to customize. Any third-party company can give android its own look and feel. But unlike iOS android pushes limits with every update. The OS is faster and less laggy and continues to offer more innovative features. Android 11 is no exception. The first beta for Android 11 is out for pixel devices. Here is the list of new features on Android 11:

  • Native Screen Recording: Most Custom android skins sport this feature for almost a year now. But from Android 11 Screen Recording will be available to all Natively.
  • Muting Notification during Video: Now you will be able to mute all notifications in a video call just like while playing games.
  • Increase touch sensitivity: This feature will increase the touch sensitivity of your screen. If you are using a screen protector this will be quite helpful.
  • Notifications History: We all need this feature. There are times when we swipe some messages without taking a look at it. Now with notification history we can find that easily.
  • Auto revoke app permissions: The new feature will auto revoke permissions like camera, contacts, and other from apps that have not been used for a while.

There are several design tweaks like power menu revamps and overview menu revamp. There are notifications bubbles as well and many other tweaks. For developers, there are features like better support for waterfall displays and new 5G state API. One feature in Android 11 i.e. Resume on Reboot will make OTA updates easier as it won’t require users to unlock the device for finishing updates. It will roll out to all eligible devices by the end of this year.

This is what I know so far. Thanks for reading. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being


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