Microsoft teams will let you set up a meeting background?

With new update now you can hide your messy home with a custom background

Zoom the well-known video conferencing app has shown exponential growth during this pandemic. By far the best alternative to Zoom for professional meetings is Microsoft teams. Now Microsoft teams have new features for better video conferencing experience. With the new update, Microsoft will allow users to set a custom background. The announcement was made by Microsoft via this blog post.

Before Zoom tech giants never shown such keen interest in improving their video conferencing apps. Microsoft team will now allow its users to set custom backgrounds and add effects like the blur effect. But, Zoom already has these features. This little trick is a huge improvement for current users but not enough to gain Zoom users.

Zoom has other cool features like schedule meetings. Send invite links before meetings. Up until now Microsoft teams free users weren’t allowed to access these features. But now they can do all that with just one tap. Microsoft will also be adding pride-themed backgrounds in the standard Microsoft teams library. The Company also warned about the blur effects, they may not hide sensitive information. With the growth of AI, we have seen blurring isn’t enough anymore to protect your privacy.

The new update will roll out from June 16th. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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