Tag: web design

December 22, 2019 / Overdosed

Web development is the most in demand career of this era and also among the top trending job titles. A lot of Jobs are available for developers and it is believed this is a future Proof job for next 10 years. But here is the cache there are phP developers and then their are Javascript Developers and others. Here we are gonna see How phP developers stand in the future.phP is one of the most popular web development language in the web world. But popularity isn’t everything. About 78.9% of total websites on the internet uses pHP as their server side language. The biggest contribution to phP growth was of wordpress. Wordpress is probably the most popular web development platform and is still growing.

November 27, 2019 / Canvass

Every Website Owner either a blogger or businessman, everyone of them is looking a way to get more traffic for their websites. The primary rule to increase traffic on any website is to maintain the current audience. Heat Maps are tools that tells you how visitors interact with your website. Which section of your UI is being used the most and which is not. Heat maps also help in identifying how your blog posts are performing by showing you how much the visitor reads. They can help you decide whether to use large Blog posts or Small. The Click and Mouse Cursor tracking are the most widely used Heat Maps.