Real World difference between QHD and FHD displays

Smartphone displays, are crucial part of evaluation. A Good display can make user experience much better. Quad HD and Full HD are the most popular displays in the industry. Everyone prefers a QHD display over a Full HD display in their smartphones. This brings up a question what is the real world difference between QHD and FHD displays?

Quad HD simply means more pixels and more sharper display overall. The higher the resolution more pixels are to be processed by the processor. Heavier the processing requirement more is the battery drain. In Real World a test conducted by Android authority revealed users do not notice any difference between these.

Both Quad HD and Full HD are among the sharpest displays in smartphones. But you cannot tell the difference between the two without keen observation. In real world daily usage both feel pretty similar. Infact, we should prefer Full HD displays over quad HD displays. Full HD displays drain much less power Compared to Quad HD.

Less power consumption will give more usage time. Lower Processing required which will eventually lead to faster performance. The overall experience of a smartphone is decreased by a Quad HD display. Quad HD displays aren’t needed they are just wanted by consumers because its good to have something extra.

This brings to conclusion that QHD displays are just wanted by consumers and not needed. Infact, Quad HD displays decrease the overall user experience. Same smartphone with Full HD display will give much better experience. Let me know in comments what do you think about this? If you are concerned about smartphone causing cancer read this.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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