MWC 2020 Cancelled due to Coronavirus Outbreak

Coronavirus is spreading fast and is a global problem. The cure for coronavirus is still under process. It is better to not participate in events where people gather from around the world. Mobile world congress(MWC) is one such place. MWC 2020 is now Cancelled due to Coronavirus Outbreak.

The official Statement by CEO of GSMA confirms this,

“With due regard to the safe and healthy environment in Barcelona and the host country today, the GSMA has cancelled MWC Barcelona 2020 because the global concern regarding the coronavirus outbreak, travel concern and other circumstances, make it impossible for the GSMA to hold the event. The Host City Parties respect and understand this decision. The GSMA and the Host City Parties will continue to be working in unison and supporting each other for MWC Barcelona 2021 and future editions. Our sympathies at this time are with those affected in China, and all around the world.”

MWC is a big platform for big tech companies to introduce some of the smartest gadgets for the year. With top tech Companies withdrawing from participation and increasing threat of Coronavirus this was inevitable. Coronavirus has already infected 4200 people worldwide and counts to 1000 deaths. Most deaths are near wuhan and hubei province of China. 25 Countries reported cases. The numbers are still increasing.

GSMA did announce some preventive measures but, those were not enough to ignore the fear. GSMA is a trade body that represents 1200 Companies around the world. MWC is an event where not only Companies introduce innovative products but many companies sign partnership agreements. MWC is not just that it generates more than 14000 part time jobs and has a big 492 million euro economic impact.

Many flagships were to be introduced at this event. Coronavirus without a proper treatment is like death itself. MWC 2020 cancellation is for the best. MWC 2020 is a huge event and such events increases chances of infection spreading. Looking at the Global Concern, the spreading of Coronavirus shall be controlled. This is the right decision by GSMA and we shall the next even i.e MWC 2021 free of any virus or health concerns. Comment below your opinions is it fair to cancel MWC 2020?

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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