GrubHub is greedy during COVID-19

In peacetime, its devious. In wartime, its just ugly greed.

We are in a war against COVID 19. The whole world is in a war situation. thousands of people die every day. While some companies offer to help others stay quiet. But, Companies like GrubHub become greedy and try to benefit from this situation. GrubHub is greedy during COVID 19 that is what we assume from what the restaurant owners are saying. The Company is the largest food ordering platform in the US.

GrubHub uses an assortment of fees to collect revenue from restaurants, which include charges from marketing to various orders made through their app and web platform. Recently in a report, Buzzfeed points out, a lesser-known method that GrubHub uses to extract money from small businesses. GrubHub puts their custom numbers on the food ordering page and when a customer calls the restaurant it is redirected from Grubhub. Every call that is redirected from GrubHub is charged.

The charges are heavy, as heavy as 6$ per call. GrubHub collects those charges whether the customer places an order or not. Most people when search on Google to pull a restaurant number they don’t realize that they are pulling GrubHub’s number. This is not fair. With these complaints, the New York City Council passed a bill on Wednesday outlawing charges for all calls that don’t end up with an order and capping the amount companies can charge during the State of Emergency.

GrubHub is getting sued for this practice. It is possible that GrubHubs numbers rank higher than restaurant pages due to better SEO. But they will be brought to justice. That is what the justice department is for. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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