Best Affiliate Marketing Websites for Developers

Affiliate marketing is booming year on year. With the current situation happening around the world now, affiliate marketing is one of the way to go where people are on brink of financial crisis. Affiliate marketing involves the selling of products and/or services through the affiliates and pay a percentage of commission from the goods/services affiliates have sold. If you are a developer and want to earn some extra cash, look no further as affiliate marketing has various opportunities for you.

There are numerous websites out there to start your journey as an affiliate marketer. Some of the best are –


Gumroad is a website which provides a bunch of affiliated products from various niches like courses, films, softwares & apps and many more. Gumroad is like a complete consumer centric websites where you can set up your own marketplace, basically a landing page and sell your products and services on the same. It provides goods, services management as well as in-depth analysis on how your goods, services are performing. The same goods, services can be affiliated by entering in the ‘Affiliate program’ of Gumroad. If you are a developer and what to launch your course, this is a great website for the same and furthermore affiliate the courses so that it gets more promotion and attraction through your affiliates.


Hotmart is popular website to sell your online courses from various categories. Being a developer and as an affiliate(after you become one) it would be recommended to sell courses regarding programming and softwares to your niche. You are sure shot to find one of the recommending course from Hotmart to your audience.


Clickbank is one of the oldest affiliate network website which has been around since 1998. The interesting part of Clickbank is that it has a training portal called ‘ClickBank University’ which trains affiliates on how to gain succes in the affiliate marketing segment. It has thousands of digital products to choose from in almost every single niche. ClickBank has been around since a long time thus trust has been built over the years.

A2 Hosting

A2 is one of the best hosting solutions out there and they pay pretty well to developers who bring clients. Upto 145$ per sale.

Hope you find a perfect affiliate for yourselves and start your Affiliate marketing journey on a happy Note

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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