How To Disable SimCard Flash Messages: Something Useful

If you are an Indian and you annoyed by promotional prompts, and Balance Prompts from Airtel, VI, Jio, or another carrier then you will thank me for this post. We all have to bear the disturbance of these flash messages in between our workflows. It really becomes important sometimes to disable these popups. Disabling these Flash messages isn’t really a big deal. Just follow these simple steps

  • Every Carrier has their Service app(toolkit) like airtel live for Airtel, VodafoneIdea for VI. Open it.
  • For iPhone users one extra step. Go to Settings -> Mobile Data -> Sim Applications. Follow along
  • Now Click on Flash for VI, Airtel Now for Airtel
  • Select Deactivate(VI), Start/Stop(Airtel)
  • And that’s it you just disabled those annoying popups.

In the Case Of Jio, there is no SimToolkit so, you will have to follow a rather Complex Procedure. What you can do is contact Jio Customer Support and they shall disable these messages for you. Uninstalling MyJio worked in the early days but it’s worth a try even now. Customer Care is 199. You will still get messages from your carrier for balance alerts, Internet usage alerts, and other promotional and recharge SMS but no Popup or flash messages.

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manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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