My Journey as a React Native Developer

React Native is a framework that allows you to create mobile apps that are native, cross-platform, and built with Javascript. React JS is a JavaScript library that you use to build a strong UI layer. React Native is closely related to ReactJS

My name is Anjan and I am an upcoming React Native developer and today in this post I would like to share my learning experience so far. First let me introduce myself. Don’t worry it won’t be too long. I completed my Graduation in commerce in 2017, and currently, I am working in a marketing company. My job is to create blogs and rank them on Google.

The most important question that every begineer asks is Do you need any programming experience to be a developer? The simple answer is no. No one born a programmer it all starts with hello world program. After completing my Graduation there were lots of options for me. But I loved techy things. So, at first I choose to learn some basic programming languages.

I learnt HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Bootstrap by myself through Youtube, and other online resources. After that I moved to mobile development world so, I choose React Native as it was pretty easy to learn for Javascript Programmers. I started building some small projects on React Native in 4th quarter of 2020.

The process of installing React Native on your computer is complicated one if you don’t use the expo route. It took me 2 days to install React Native completely on my laptop. However, during 1st week of my learning React Native, it was very difficult for me to understand the basic UI concepts, as I didn’t had any experience in React JS.

I multiple errors and spent a lot of time to solving errors. Every time I wrote some code I learnt new error vocabulary. I don’t have any single IT friends, who can help me to fix those errors. So, it was very difficult for me to take those challenges. But Stack Overflow, youtube kept me alive. And OfCourse the live solution and free mentoring that I received from Techenutia Explore was exceptionally helpful.

My Thoghts

To become a good coder you must have patience, this is the main key to get success in any field whether it’s programming or any other field. Take your time and figure out the error.

If you can’t figure it out take some help. The community is big and there are lots of people who are getting errors daily. Just post your code (On which you are getting error) on StackOverFlow and there might be some good peoples who will check your code and will reply what’s wrong with your code. Or you can try Techenutia Explore live tech help for quicker solutions.

Don’t hesitate to share your mistakes with others otherwise you will not able to learn any new things.

My Favourite IDE during React Native

Well, I was a big fan of Sublime Text when I was learning HTML, and CSS, but after trying VS code I become a fan of this IDE. It has a lots of options and plugins which will make your programming journey too easy. You can choose your favorite IDE according to your flexibility.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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