Facebook and Instagram will be paid if app tracking disabled

iOS 14.5 brings a lot of changes especially related to privacy. The new update helps users fight for privacy by giving users the power to disable app tracking across all apps. But as you know Facebook makes all of its money using app tracking. Facebook collects your data for targeted advertisements which helps them generate revenue. iOS 14.5 requires every app to show a notice of app tracking and the user can either allow app tracking or disable it.

Facebook started displaying notices across all its apps Facebook, Instagram and others. The new notice is trying to convince you to turn on app tracking. It clearly is trying to exert pressure on the user by saying that app tracking helps Facebook keep all its services free. And this installs an idea in users mind that if he disables the app tracks it will have to pay to use all facebook services.

But, let’s explore what happens if all iOS users disable app tracking. Facebook revenue will decrease by a significant percentage and Facebook will make all its products and services paid but that revenue will still be far less than what is generated via app tracking. Facebook will launch the program which will pay you for your data. And in the long term, you will be able to sell your data and earn more than what facebook services will cost you.

Why will facebook pay you a good amount for your dat? Because, without data facebook won’t be a billion dollar company.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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