C Program to Create and Traverse Circular Linked List | BitsOfCS

 So, we have to write a C program that creates and traverses the circular linked list. Take care while handling the pointers in the program, because we are going to manipulate lots of pointers.

Also read: Circular Linked List

Declaring a Circular Linked List:

So, we know that we can declare elements (nodes) of circular linked list using self referential structure.

Example of self referential structure:

Function Definition:

In our program we have two functions i.e. first function to create the circular linked list and second to traverse the circular linked list.

  1. void create_list(int); This function helps to create the circular linked list. create_list() function takes an integer as an argument that creates the number of nodes in the circular linked list and returns nothing.
  2. void traverse(void); This function helps to traverse the circular linked list. traverse() function takes nothing as input and returns nothing.

C program for Create and Traverse Circular Linked List:


This is how our circular linked list looked like:

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manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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