C Program to Create and Traverse Circular Doubly Linked List | BitsOfCS

   So, we have to write a C program that creates and traverses the circular doubly linked list in both direction i.e. in forward and backward direction. Take care while handling the pointers in the program, because we are going to handle lots of pointers.

Also read: Circular Doubly Linked List

Declaring a Circular Linked List:

So, we know that we can declare elements (nodes) of circular doubly linked list using self referential structure.

Example of self referential structure:

Function Definition:

In our program, we have three functions i.e. first function to create the circular doubly linked list, second to traverse the circular doubly linked list in the forward direction and third one is to traverse the circular doubly linked list in the backward direction.

  1. void create_list(int); This function helps to create the circular doubly linked list. create_list() function takes an integer as an argument that creates the number of nodes in the circular doubly linked list and returns nothing.
  2. void trav_f(void); This function helps to traverse the circular doubly linked list in forward direction. trav_f() function takes nothing as input and returns nothing.
  3. void trav_b(void); This function helps to traverse the circular doubly linked list in backward direction. trav_b() function takes nothing as input and returns nothing.

C program for Create and Traverse Circular Doubly Linked List:


This is how our circular doubly linked list looked like:

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manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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