What to do if your data was breached

Everything is available online since last year. Many of us could survive 2020 because of it. But as we know, too much of everything isn’t good either. With everything turned online, security needs to be increased as well.

Before this, security of our online profiles wasn’t tight enough to fend off cyber attacks. Slowly but surely, cybersecurity of every platform is increasing. No matter individual level or organization level, it’s important to make sure sensitive data stored in our technology doesn’t leak.

Data breaching is a form of cyber attack, where information is stole from a system. Data breach can occur mainly due to two things: 1. Poor technology, and 2. User behvaiour.

There are websites like haveibeenpwned.com where you can check about data breach. If your data hasn’t been stolen, then great! If it has, however, there are steps you can take.

Dangers of Data Breach

Before we look at the steps, remember why data breach is dangerous. Data breaching can occur to an individual or an organization. There are many severe affects of having someone’s data breached.

This can lead to financial loss, identity theft, and legal issues, to name a few.

Since so much of our information is stored online, or in our devices, a single incident results in a great crisis. With a single leaked email and password, a cyber attacker can get bank account information, your social security numbers.

They can also pretend to be you. When they steal your identity, all the legal trouble they cause will be pinned on you.

Steps To Take

If you know that your data has been breached, then do the following:

  1. Change Your Passwords

Changing passwords is the first step to stop the intruder.

If all your passwords are the same, it’s best to change all of them. When keeping a separate password for each platform isn’t possible, make little changes in the same password.

  1. Enable 2-Factor Authentication

In many cases of data breach, email and passwords are leaked. However, with 2-factor authentication, password alone isn’t enough for intruders to gain access. It’s another layer of security for your data.

Some platforms like Gmail and Tumblr provide these services. This makes it difficult for the intruder to get into your account.

  1. Use VPN and Anti-virus

Sometimes, the data breach is of a particular target. Using a VPN will protect your location, and your IP Address too, to some extent. Anti-virus is usually built to protect your device against data breach.

These systems will prevent future breaches.

  1. Enable High-Grade  Encryption

Encryption is difficult to access for everyone. However, if you can get encryption for your data, it’s highly recommended. Encryption is a mean of securing data by hiding it, and it can be read only if the person knows the cipher used.

Everyone can be a victim of data breach. There’s no need to panic, though. Monitor everything closely, and inform the authorities about it. Some data breaches are petty acts, while some aren’t. Remember: it’s important to stay safe online as well.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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