Innocence: brink of collapse

A wild beast who protects the innocense of the one’s under his protection is true man.


For centuries men have sacrificed themselves and all the good in them to protect the innocence of their loved one. But, what is this innocence that needs protection? And why shall men protect it? Innocence is the innate ability of people to believe good things exist. Mother nature is good to everyone. It serves everyone equally all its resources are available to all and that’s why naturally every child sees good in everything and everyone. Whether it is a cub or a human kid you pet them they both will react with a smile. But, the world is cruel the kingdoms within it are cruel. Innocent people are easily broken by this cruelty and often forms a very negative perception of the world and end up being a destructive force. In order to stop that from happening strong men guide these innocent creations and help them understand right and wrong. Protect them from a plethora of traumas. And whenever men failed destructive forces like Hitler, psycho killers emerged.


But before we move on who are the victims? and why the devil wishes to take victims’ innocence away. In order to understand this you need to understand the devil. Devil loves chaos and chaos happens when the building blocks of the society are broken. And what are these building blocks? Women and children. The world will cease to exist once you destroy the innocence of women. When woman goes through a traumatic experience she end up destroying herself. And when a child is traumatised it simply means the next generation is destroyed. What about men? They also have innocence doesn’t the devil target them? Well, men are quite different. Let’s talk about that separately in Devil vs Man

Man’s Role

Now, what is a man’s role in protecting this innocence and why should a man destroy himself to become the protector? The reason how men handle traumas. Men learn from traumas instead of blaming fate or indulging in self-destruction or thinking the entire universe is bad. That’s how men are built. They are born protectors and therefore need to expose themselves to as much trauma and chaos as possible to have the experience and knowledge of what part of the world must be hidden from one’s under his protection. Men who are not able to exercise their natural duty end up miserable.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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