Why Specs won’t matter on Smartphones anymore?

Smartphones has made remarkable improvements in this decade. From design to Performance we have seen brand rivalries. But the One Company that Stands firm is Apple. Today’s topic is Smartphone Specs. When we want to buy a new Smartphone we happen to look at its specs first. The Comparison we do today comprises of what it offers on paper. This is the Primary reason why companies like Xiaomi and Realme are seeing such heavy market growth. What will Smartphone Comparisons in future be like?

Just hold on and think for a while are Specs really the defining factor in Smartphones? Five Years Ago Specs Played a key role in estimating the quality of Smartphones. But in 2019 Almost all Smartphones Offer Similar Specs. Take an Example, on android counterpart all the flagships will offer the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon Chipset and similar Ram and storage. Cameras are also somewhat identical.

But if We look at on paper specs their is a huge difference in Cameras Megapixels it ranges from 12MP to 108MP but does that count. The Specs in mid range smartphones are also identical. Then, question arises How shall today’s Consumer Compare Smartphones. Beginning from 2020 Smartphone battle will be in terms .Softwares and not with specs. The Smartphone with the best software will win.

Take an example Which Smartphone Cameras are most popular, OnePlus, Samsung, Apple, Google. All of them have amazing Camera apps and that really makes difference. Especially with Google Pixel, it uses same sensors offered in mid range smartphones and still able to Compete with flagships. That’s all software. Software will completely redefine the smartphone industry.

When we come to talk about Software we shall focus on brand value. The biggest brands have the best softwares. iPhones at the top in terms of Software, then Comes Google Pixel, then the Oneplus and then Samsung. Software also plays important role in Performance. Apple iPhones have been using half RAMs for many years and still surpass Android flagships. That’s all for today, See you in the next one.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being


  1. […] Smartphone Competition in mid-range and budget segment is hotter than ever. With new Smartphone launches almost every 2nd Week it is difficult to choose. Buying a Smartphone is also easier than ever, most of the smartphones now have similar under the hood specs. Here I will list Best Smartphones to buy under ₹20000. Software tweaks are playing a much important role nowadays and therefore acts as an X-Factor. Read more about the effects of software here. […]

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