Huawei Gets LifeLine

Huawei one of the biggest smartphone manufacturers did face some serious blows in recent years. The Google ban was hard for Huawei and then came the news for a full US ban on Huawei. It is no surprise that the ban is being postponed as there are not many reasons to back this ban. The Smartphone maker is popular around the world and also has fans in the USA. So, Huawei gets LifeLine given b the Department of Commerce.

Department of Commerce announced this week that the temporary general license which allowed companies to conduct business with Huawei will expire after May 15th. The Previous date for the expiry of the general license was 1st April. The Good thing is the department of Commerce is asking for public input on whether to extend the license or it needs to be changed.

As per the record, this is the fourth time the US is extending the license dates. After the initial ban back in May, the ban was extended for 90days so, that company could provide support for its devices and networking equipment. The dates were again extended by 90days and then again by 45days in February of this year.

Many of the rural telecom providers in the US rely on Huawei’s networking equipment. This temporary extension is relieving for them. These extensions are explained by the Department of Commerce as the time for finding Huawei alternatives for future needs. The Government will also provide a 1billion$ fund for replacing Huawei equipment. The BIll for the same was passed last month by the senators.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

One Comment

  1. […] Administration banned Huawei in the USA. Not able to work with Google had an adverse effect on Huawei smartphone sales. It was 5G technology that kept Huawei fighting for a comeback. Network Equipment […]

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