Reddit moderators lead to a rollback

Reddit Lost it to moderators

Reddit Community moderators are the building blocks of what Reddit is today. The Company recently announced a feature subreddit chat rooms. But the feature was rolled out without notifying any of the moderators. Alex Lee Reddit’s vice president of product and community recently announced in several comments that subreddit chatrooms are being rolled back. Reddit moderators did protest against this same feature that Reddit announced recently. We believe Reddit moderators lead to a rollback.

Reddit’s new feature would allow members of a subreddit to chat with randomly 7 other members of the subreddit. But the Company never gave moderators permission to turn it off for their subreddit. The Moderators were upset with such a decision and protested against it. The decision to implement the subreddit chat room feature should have been made by the community moderators. Instead, the control was given to Reddit administration. r/AskHistorians moderator recently said

“As Moderators, we are unpaid volunteers who work to build a community which reflects our values and vision. In the past, we have always been promised control over shaping that community by the site Admins, and despite missteps at points, it is a promise we have trusted. Clearly we were wrong to do so, as this has broken that trust in a far worse way than any previous undesired feature the Admins have thrust upon us.

In a message to admin, he wrote the message. A subreddit moderator is the one who nurtures its community from zero members to a large community of like-minded people. By providing a subreddit chatroom features with no control in the hands of moderators Reddit simply opened a way to harassment, abuse, spam, and much worse. Reddit did promise a complete rollback of the feature and the reason Reddit specified is “Sitewide error”. But I believe it was the impact of moderators strike.

Thanks for reading. I hope you are doing well. Stay Safe! Stay Blessed!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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