Tinder will allow you to remove geo-filter completely. What does this mean?

Match with a foreigner from your home!

What made Facebook so popular in its primary days? The ability to allow people to connect with people from around the world and make new friends. The idea of knowing about the unknown is interesting. We all have at some point used Facebook as the tool to find some really awesome foreigner and engage with them. Well, Tinder had this option to match with foreigners irrespective of where you live in but it was paid. Not anymore? With the latest update Tinder will allow you to remove the geo-filter completely. What does this mean? It will allow you to match with any profile in the world.

This new mode will be known as the global mode. The Global mode is in the early days and will release soon. You might compare Global Mode with Passport feature but they are different. Passport is a paid feature on tinder which allows you to set up your account for dating before your trip to a certain place. This allows the app to select profiles in that area which will be soon to you once you reach the destination. But Global Mode populates your profile worldwide. Allow you to connect with dates from around the globe.

The Pandemic situation might be the best time to release such a feature. There are other features coming to tinder in this pandemic situation like one on one video chat and many other features. This means now people don’t have to literally meet to form a new connection or date someone. This could be useful during the pandemic. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Blessed!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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