No Smartphone Chargers: Trend of 2021

If you are a tech-savvy, then you must have heard about Apple dropping chargers with their next Smartphone lineup. We all know Apple is a trendsetter. Once Apple does something all other manufacturers follow along. New rumors claim Samsung will drop Chargers with many of its smartphone lineups. So, What does it mean? And how does this trend of No chargers look in 2021?

Most of the flagships support wireless charging and most people with flagships make use of wireless charging. Apple doesn’t have any official wireless charger and that doesn’t surprise me if they are dropping Chargers. No Chargers can lower the Smartphone cost and that could be a genuine reason for a 200$ smartphone. But we are talking about 1000$+ smartphones.

The real reason is Smartphone makers are becoming greedy. We all have adapted to smartphones and now it is an addiction for us. When Apple drops Charger it becomes an opportunity to leverage that and earn more money by selling the Chargers separately. However, not all Smartphone manufacturers will drop the chargers all together but as the time goes by we will see smartphones without chargers in the box. Just like the earphones disappeared. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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