Google uses App data on android phones to better its Products.

Apple emphasizes a lot on Privacy and security. Apple doesn’t spy on you and also stops other apps from spying on your smartphone. But Google on the contrary keeps all of your internet activity stored. Not only that a new report claims Google uses app data from all the apps that are installed on your phone to improve its products and services. Every app stores some data in the form of app data on your smartphone.

The anonymized, user consented data is stored in the Android Lockbox service. According to Google, this service primarily powers features like background app management. This info stored in Android Lockbox is freely available to the developer. Google uses all this data to make critical business decisions.

For example, Google used TikTok’s data to figure out when to launch tangi in the Indian market. It uses this data and makes the decision to launch several experimental apps under Area 120. Google can use data of any app. This helps Google to improve its products and find new business opportunities.

This use of data can be described as anti-competitive behavior. Google faced legal issues several times and now the time has arrived again to answer in the court. Soon, Google will be presented before the judge to explain everything but till then google will already make billions. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being


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