Windows Coming to Chromebooks. Next level chromeOS

ChromeOS is Google’s very own Desktop Operating System which is centralized on Chrome. A Collaboration between the two tech giants will allow Chromebook users to enjoy Windows apps on ChromeOS. Apps the biggest reason for the failure of ChromeOS. This collaboration will allow Chromebooks to run windows inside of ChromeOS and not something like a dual boot.

ChromeOS will use Parallels Desktop Virtual machine software for running these new full Windows Desktop versions. There is nothing new or innovative with this concept. We all have used Virtual machines at some point in our lives. The performance won’t be as good as a native laptop but it will not be too bad.

The only thing that Google will do is add support for this parallels space inside of chromeOS to redirect all the windows files to open in parallels space without opening the full desktop version. It will be something like a virtual machine running in the background but in the future. For now, it will be just a virtual machine. Thanks for reading. Stay Safe! Stay Humble!.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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