Customizing Windows will destroy your PC.

New Windows Security Flaw reported.

One of the best parts of owning a Windows 10 laptop is the customization. You can use Custom themes downloaded from the Internet to customize your device to match your taste. But as the history witnessed windows has always been the target of hackers. Thanks to Jimmy Bayne we now know these themes put windows machine at risk of ‘Pass the Hash’ Attack.

You remember the famous phishing attack in which users click on a link to enter their social media account details and voila they are hacked. Similar to a phishing attack is the Pass the Hash. When a user installs a custom theme with a configured wallpaper key. The wallpaper key triggers a web resource that opens up a prompt requesting for admin account credentials.

That’s it simple hack. This will give the attacker access to your hash which is not that difficult to crack. How can you protect yourself from such an attack. Take a look at Jimmy Bayne’s solutions by clicking the below tweet.

My Advice, Just don’t use custom themes. Use the default themes. The themes clearly are not designed with security in mind. But, Microsoft should soon have some sort of fix.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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