Amazon an Online marketplace that is often referred to as the titan of online shopping. Defeating amazon in the game of Online shopping seems to be impossible. But, What if a tech giant like google goes head to head with amazon. That’s exactly what we all in near future. Google is testing new features of online shopping on youtube its streaming platform.
The new feature would allow users to directly purchase products that they see in the videos. According to Bloomberg, this could be a major blow for Amazon. Youtube recently, began asking creators to tag the products used in their videos. This data will be used to build the right tools for a better shopping experience. Youtube is also testing integration with Shopify.
A Youtube spokesperson confirmed that the company is testing such a feature with few channels but it is still in the experimental phase. Such a feature will reduce the headache of content creators who also run dropshipping business with their channel’s brand. But it will come with additional costs. As of yet, there is no prediction of how much it will cost. Currently, youtube takes 30% of creators earning.
Although, there is no official date on when the feature will be rolled out. But it is expected that the feature will roll out by the end of 2021. Thanks for reading. Consider Subscribing(bottom) to our newsletter for amazing tech content.
[…] interactive videos, or even answering questions, taking selfies. Creators will also be able to sell merchandise with the new feature. Though the feature is not released yet. But it is being tested internally […]