Super Highway: An Highway built into Space

When we imagine the future we see ourselves as a multi-planetary species. But we can’t become multi-planetary if we don’t have a way to travel from One Planet to another in less time. Today we take decades to reach planets that are far from others. A recent mission that is announced for Titan will take decades to gather some meaningful data about Titan.

In order to reduce this time that is wasted on travel, Researchers have discovered a Celestial Highway. A SuperHighway network that could be used to send our space crafts much farther in much less time than today. Such a Route can drive asteroids near Jupiter to Neptune in less than a decade. Spacecrafts traveling through this route will be theoretically faster.

In their paper, published on Nov 25. The researchers observed the dynamical structure of these routes, forming a connected series of arches inside Space Manifolds that extends from the Asteroid belt to Uranus and beyond. The structure was resolved using numerical data of millions of orbits in our solar system and computing how these orbits fit in these Space Manifolds. However, further research is required to understand how this can be used by space crafts.

The research will help reduce the cost of space travel by cutting down the time taken by Space Crafts now which will eventually lead to more energy efficiency. One thing is for sure, In just about a few decades we will be able to explore near-earth objects and our neighbor planets.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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