Tag: future

December 28, 2020 / Overdosed

For Decades researchers are trying to figure out an alternative to traditional Jet fuel. The Aim is to create a fuel that has negligible environmental impact. We tried many types including theories of electric aircrafts. But everything ended without any solution. But CO2 the reason for Global Warming could be…

December 13, 2020 / Overdosed

When we imagine the future we see ourselves as a multi-planetary species. But we can’t become multi-planetary if we don’t have a way to travel from One Planet to another in less time. Today we take decades to reach planets that are far from others. A recent mission that is…

June 7, 2020 / Canvass

Artificial Intelligence will replace coders but not problem solvers Artificial Intelligence is evolving each day and taking over different roles in Industry. Tech Giants like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and others are spending heavily to stay ahead in the race of AI. We get it AI will take away lots of…

May 30, 2020 / Overdosed

Apple will introduce an ARM based Macbook powered by A14 chipset If you are an Apple follower than you might came across the rumors about ARM based macbooks. Well, the rumors are more than just rumors. iPhones are the fastest smartphones even faster than some laptops. But, the capabilities of…

May 6, 2020 / Overdosed

NASA is one of the well-known space agencies in the world has a dream to explore space. We are not limited to earth, space is our future. But the Space industry is unable to attract talented individuals to work with them. Tech Companies wipe away all of the very best…

December 22, 2019 / Overdosed

Web development is the most in demand career of this era and also among the top trending job titles. A lot of Jobs are available for developers and it is believed this is a future Proof job for next 10 years. But here is the cache there are phP developers and then their are Javascript Developers and others. Here we are gonna see How phP developers stand in the future.phP is one of the most popular web development language in the web world. But popularity isn’t everything. About 78.9% of total websites on the internet uses pHP as their server side language. The biggest contribution to phP growth was of wordpress. Wordpress is probably the most popular web development platform and is still growing.

December 19, 2019 / Overdosed

Drones have emerged to be a great tool for spying, and ofCourse for shooting some movies. Drones were popularly used for filming but now they are entering delivery world. Drones can help fasten the process of delivery which ultimately increases customer satisfaction.Every eCommerce Company is in a Competition to attract more Customers. Customers on the contrary love comfort more than price Competition, that has been proven by amazon prime. Customers will pay you an extra sum of money for faster and better services. With the growth of drone industry new Startups that provide drone delivery are emerging.

December 19, 2019 / Overdosed

Martin Luther King Jr. believed this to be the cure of poverty. But the question arrises who will pay those income. The Government can either increase the tax on riches or on all Corporations. It is believed that as AI Could replace almost 40% of the Jobs available right now. The rise in unemployment due to population and now the AI creates a need for UBI. UBI is required to guarantee the basic Cost of living to every Human so no one Sleeps Hungry. Let us take a quick look its Pros and Cons.