12% Club: Replacement to FDs

We all want higher returns on FDs because it is highly secure and gives you fixed rate of interest. But, the banks will never give you higher FD rates. Infact, most of the time FD rates are even lower than inflation. Some of the world’s best investors regard investing with banks as a lousy choice. But, what’s the alternative? Most people chose to use debt instruments as an alternative or liquid funds. Now these instruments have high liquidity but the return is also low or equal to FDs. Let me introduce you to a better alternative i.e. 12% Club.

12% Club is a pool lending app that allows you to lend your money as part of a pool and get fixed 12% annual returns. The app is not 100% secure but its as secure as liquid funds. They do have methods to reduce the risk involved in lending business which is why returns are fixed at 12%. Moreover this company is backed by BharatPe which is a renowned payment platform in India. This instrument will add stable high returns to your portfolio thereby increasing your overall portfolio quality.

I have been investing in this instrument myself for past 6 months. Consistent returns and on demand withdrawals are guaranteed. Point to be noted I am note advocating for this app and you must do your own research before investing. There are risks involved in all instruments. Even FDs are not 100% safe. I am just source of information for you. You can download the app click here.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

One Comment

  1. […] When you are searching for a hedge investment you should always look for how valuable that thing is to people and humanity. Take example of silver its’ demand keeps increasing its usage keeps increasing. Steel, CrudeOil, these are some of the commodities that are crucial to modern world and have limited supply. But, don’t let your mind limited to commodities think beyond. There are zillions alternate investment options that can act as good hedge. One such hedge is of course 12% Club […]

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