Perceptiveness: the essence of the wise

Wise are those who are not rigid in their thoughts but perceptive.

Perceptiveness is a word you might not have heard often. In a world full of egotistical individuals such words have difficult time. Perceptiveness is the ability for an individual to move their thoughts to a new direction fast and easy given certain circumstances. And it is this ability in a person that makes him wise. Wisdom is not knowing all but being open to new experiences, new thoughts. Having the ability to battle these new thoughts with your logic and facts. But, should you find your facts are wrong then having the ability to accept what appears to be truth in a certain time is wisdom.

For a wise is not omniscient but a seeker. But when you try to grasp perceptiveness and indulge in it. You should also understand the difference between being perceptive and fictile. If you change your opinion about something because a person of authority is telling you and without verifying any facts than you are not wise but a fictile person. Wise people are not intimidated by power nor can they be corrupted to accept something that they don’t believe in. And then there is another aspect of wise. Let’s say you are in enemy territory and they ask you to say something that you believe not to be true. A wise person will say it but not accept it in his mind. As his life is at stake he would not try to prove his point to the foolish. However, a fool would argue and end up dead in the enemy territory.

Perceptiveness is not just about facts and understanding but also about environment and circumstances. History mentions many warlords who were wise enough to disguise themselves to be weak and fragile in order to get closer to the enemy and cut their throat. But the is only possible when you have the ability to understand circumstances accept suggestions instead of being egotistical on your path mould your plans as per the suggestions. In order to go long in life and enjoy it truly a person must be wise and adhere to seek wisdom at all times.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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