Beware! your Android Smartphone can Crash with this Wallpaper.

Android is great but can easily be tricked

Beware! your android smartphone can crash with this wallpaper(The image o the post).
Android one of the most popular smartphone operating system gives another reason to troll it. I used to believe the latest Android updates bring you better features and more stability. But all the smartphones with Android 10 are prone to a ‘wallpaper crash’. The Wallpaper crash was previously reported several months ago. Recently a tweet on twitter by Ice Universe(a popular bug reporting account) discovered a wallpaper that can put your Android smartphone into a loop of crashes.

Why does this happen? What is so special about this image? Davide Bianco one of the lead developers behind POSP ROM originally answered to Android Authority. He also submitted a recent patch for this bug to the AOSP bug tracker. I won’t bore you by copying and pasting what Davide Bianco said. Here is the short explanation of what he said:

Android uses a class ImageProcessHelper when user tries to set wallpaper on their android smartphones. Android SystemUI can only handle sRGB images for wallpapers and an non-sRGB image will crash the ImageProcessHelper class function because of Out Of bound issue. What does that mean? In programming there is a function ceil and floor used to round of point numbers.(decimals). ceil takes the upper number and floor is the standard maths round off. Current Android uses ceil which makes the number greater than the array of images and this leads to crash.

The solution to crash varies from person to person. It depends on how hard the crash is. The fix is simple, either remove the wallpaper if you have enough time between crashes or for severe crashes, the only solution is to reset the device losing all the data. This is all that I knew. Let me know in Comments if you need further clarification about anything here. Like and share to support Techenutia. Thanks for visiting. Stay Safe! Stay Humble.

manorinfinity Written by:

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

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