It is the nature of hope that can keep you alive or kill you from inside This one is going to touch some souls. Let’s start. We all need hope at some point in our time. Hope that there is light ahead of this darkness. But, we often confuse hope…
Author: manorinfinity
Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being
Misery is the result of living in state of denial. -Anonymous Denial is a state of mind in which a person refuses to accept the truth. No matter if the truth proves itself again and again the person will refuse to accept it. People living in denial will always put…
Analysis of suzlon energy rise. will suzlon energy keep growing, why is suzlon energy rising so fast. what is upside potential of suzlon.
Market lower circuits are devastating. People lose a lot of money and it’s very difficult to exit a position. Most people based on their sentiment fear start selling these lower circuit stocks. But, that is not always the right move. Before we move toward a solution let’s understand what a…
A man who takes advise from someone who doesn’t seem to have satisfied his reason will soon drown to the dept of darkness. When it comes to Financial Advise only two things matter the source of financial advice and how you use it. But, before we move into details let’s…
A great life is one spent in developing your reason. For reason is the key to a fulfilled life – Inspired by Plato Before we get any further let’s first understand what reason is. The reason is the ability to think, analyze facts logically and reach a conclusion. It is…
A policy deployed without proper planning always ends up being dangerous no matter how good the policy is – A Politcian Once Said Before I start commenting on the bill let’s just try to understand what this bill truly proposes and what is the idea behind the bill. The bill…
A loner may be dangerous but a man with a good social network is extremely powerful and happier. – A Sage Once Said Modern society has over-sponsored being alone. Every motivational video you watch advises you to be alone. In every movie today the successful person is a loner. But,…
If you can’t control your emotions stay away from stock market. A Sage Once Said Market Sentiments refers to the confidence of investors at a given point of time. Investors are humans and humans change their emotions regarding something very frequently. And stocks are no different. One good news people…