Author: manorinfinity

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

May 17, 2020 / Overdosed

In peacetime, its devious. In wartime, its just ugly greed. We are in a war against COVID 19. The whole world is in a war situation. thousands of people die every day. While some companies offer to help others stay quiet. But, Companies like GrubHub become greedy and try to…

May 16, 2020 / Overdosed

US vs China trade war affected Huawei but no worries for Apple. Huawei faced a serious business setback because of the trade war. Trump Administration banned Huawei smartphone sales in the USA. They also took extreme measures to cut of Huawei Chip supplies. But Apple is different, China can’t control…

May 12, 2020 / Overdosed

Surface Screens are cracking for No reason Microsoft launched Surface Laptop 3 in October 2019. Surface Laptop 3 are remarkable in every aspect. Microsoft’s free Screen Repairs hide a Mystery. The mystery behind the free screen repair program is cracking screens. Screens of several surface laptops started cracking for no…

May 11, 2020 / Overdosed

Unneeded Upgrade Qualcomm in recent years is highly focused on its mid-range processors. Just a while back they announced the sd865 and sd765 series of processors. Both the series processors were a success story and featured in almost every major smartphone. sd765G is the most impressive processor of them. sd865…

May 6, 2020 / Overdosed

Big Upgrades are here The only fair Competitor to iPad is Microsoft’s Surface Go. The 10.5-inch tablet by Microsoft is powered by Windows 10 S. The Smallest surface tablet by Microsoft gets some interesting hardware bumps this year. It is only fair to call Microsoft Surface Go 2: Upgraded Portability.…

May 6, 2020 / Overdosed

NASA is one of the well-known space agencies in the world has a dream to explore space. We are not limited to earth, space is our future. But the Space industry is unable to attract talented individuals to work with them. Tech Companies wipe away all of the very best…

May 2, 2020 / Overdosed

“Elon Musk Being Elon” Elon Musk regarded as the most important man in the world can sometimes do really nasty things. If you have been following Elon Musk for a quite a while, you might have noticed his tweeting habits. The man is known for his vision and he is…

May 1, 2020 / Overdosed

Covid 19 Lockdown decreased Smartphones demand. Smartphones are one of the most in-demand tech products. But in the year 2020, the Smartphone industry lost its shine. Due to the Covid-19 supply all around the world have been affected heavily. As most of the smartphone consumers are locked in their houses,…

May 1, 2020 / Overdosed

Reddit Lost it to moderators Reddit Community moderators are the building blocks of what Reddit is today. The Company recently announced a feature subreddit chat rooms. But the feature was rolled out without notifying any of the moderators. Alex Lee Reddit’s vice president of product and community recently announced in…

April 30, 2020 / Overdosed

Microsoft teams is one of the best video conferencing app out there especially for windows users. Microsoft teams is an all in one app for online office meetings. The app can let up to 10000 users connect remotely. However, it is not the best free video conferencing app. Zoom once…