Category: Overdosed

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March 28, 2021 / Canvass
March 25, 2021 / Overdosed
March 18, 2021 / Overdosed

AMD vs Intel is a very popular competition in the computing world. However, a few years back Intel ruled the computing world. But now with the rise of gaming AMD is taking the lead. AMD is the primary choice for all major gaming laptops or desktops. The power that AMD…

March 18, 2021 / Overdosed

Looping is part of our everyday lives. And that’s why most of us feel a need for some sort of looping in Youtube. That’s why many youtube lovers use Youtube Vanced and what not to loop through individual videos. But what if Youtube introduces a looping feature in its own…

March 16, 2021 / Overdosed

Ever since the first Macbook Air arrived the concept of upgradeable Notebooks slowly started dying. Windows Laptops did provide some upgradeability and some of the laptops did a good job to give users the best hardware customization possible. But notebooks weren’t built to last forever. And that’s kind of bad…

March 12, 2021 / Overdosed

There are many Netflix users who don’t pay to watch Netflix. Instead, they just borrow accounts from other users or a group of friends together buy Netflix, and share logins with each other. In fact, there are several online websites and Instagram accounts that sell Netflix logins for very low…

March 11, 2021 / Canvass

NFTs are digital Certificates that authenticate a claim of ownership of some asset and allow it to be sold or transferred at cost. Just like ownership papers of physical Goods, lands, art, etc. These are digital Certificates and are secured by blockchain technology, the same that powers cryptocurrencies. Blockchains peer-to-peer…

March 6, 2021 / Overdosed

We all have seen Jarvis and Tony Stark interact like two humans. But what if we can do that in real life. A team of researchers recently published a research paper in which they asked volunteers to look at photos they find attractive and then used a Generative adversal Neural…

March 6, 2021 / Overdosed

Twitter will soon be launching a premium package for influencers. The premium will include certain features that will be helpful like super follow and new ways to earn money. But what’s more important is the ability to edit tweet. Jane Manchun Wong found a proof of Undo Tweet feature. The…

January 28, 2021 / Overdosed

Fake news or misleading information is really common on social media. Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and others tried their best to improve the quality of content on the platform and fight misinformation and negative content. But as the US election proved social media moderation is not…