Author: manorinfinity

Complex Problem Solver, Outloud Thinker, An Outstanding Writer, and a very curious human being

March 11, 2023 / CodeMoments

The websites these days are becoming more and more complex. And we have to load things in parts sometimes as micro components. Or maybe lazy loading some components just to better user experience. When we do this we need to create loader for heavy components that is replaced with the…

March 5, 2023 / A Better Man

The universe itself is a duality Duality basically means having positive as well as negative nature of something. But, what do we have to understand from duality of universe. And how can it help us to be a better man? The one thing that we need to understand is that…

March 4, 2023 / A Better Man

Be selfless to be selfish Networking is defined as an action to exchange information with others and develop. However, networking is much more than just exchange of information. The basic idea behind networking is to exchange favors. Whether it is in terms of information exchange, expertise exchange, or more on…

February 18, 2023 / Versus Battles

Intel vs AMD was tough but with time AMD was the obvious choice for gamers and Intel was for general purpose usage. But, with the introduction of apple m chipsets the battle of processors became even more interesting. The way apple introduces its products people believe apple is literally the…

February 16, 2023 / A Better Man

Self reflection is the one true art of self portrayal Most people believe self portrayal to be a delusional thought of a mad men. But, it is what your mind thinks of you that you become. Meaning if you wake up everyday and tell yourself that you are a loser…

February 14, 2023 / Second Thoughts

Entertainment is an action that provides amusement to its viewers. But, entertainment industry also has the ability to control the mindset of entire society. Our brain learns and grows from the surroundings. Whatever information our senses give to the brain we form our opinions and beliefs based on this information.…

February 7, 2023 / Reviewed-X

Every year Samsung sets new standards in smartphone industry with its S series smartphone. The S series smartphones are a direct competition to the iPhones. And probably the most innovative smartphone series for past couple of years. But, the inability of Samsung to build a processor that could compete with…

February 3, 2023 / Okane

We all want higher returns on FDs because it is highly secure and gives you fixed rate of interest. But, the banks will never give you higher FD rates. Infact, most of the time FD rates are even lower than inflation. Some of the world’s best investors regard investing with…

February 2, 2023 / A Better Man

As a man it is your sacred duty to hold yourself accountable and be honourable. Accountability is the ability to identify a problem and taking action to solve it. To put it in simple terms accountability means being responsible. Now there is a broad spectrum of responsibilities that you can…

January 25, 2023 / Infinity Fitness

You have been working out for years getting good progress and suddenly you stop getting any results. Your body stabilizes in a certain weight class. And doesn’t progress further no matter how hard you hit. That’s what is called muscle plateau. Plateau is a condition where no further progress can…