Category: Kaizen

Self Improvement

March 4, 2023 / A Better Man

Be selfless to be selfish Networking is defined as an action to exchange information with others and develop. However, networking is much more than just exchange of information. The basic idea behind networking is to exchange favors. Whether it is in terms of information exchange, expertise exchange, or more on…

February 16, 2023 / A Better Man

Self reflection is the one true art of self portrayal Most people believe self portrayal to be a delusional thought of a mad men. But, it is what your mind thinks of you that you become. Meaning if you wake up everyday and tell yourself that you are a loser…

February 2, 2023 / A Better Man

As a man it is your sacred duty to hold yourself accountable and be honourable. Accountability is the ability to identify a problem and taking action to solve it. To put it in simple terms accountability means being responsible. Now there is a broad spectrum of responsibilities that you can…

January 23, 2023 / Aghori

learn, unlearn and relearn this phrase is quite popular on social media. But, often people are unaware of what this phrase means. This phrase describes a cycle that the 1% like to call rewiring. It simply means to change your thoughts and belief system as you experience more of life.…

December 30, 2022 / A Better Man

It is the schedule of a man that makes or breaks his future A Schedule is vital to self-development. But it’s really difficult to follow a schedule if it is making you feel lousy. If you take a closer look at highly successful individuals’ schedules you will find certain similarities.…

December 27, 2022 / A Better Man

I believe only in one form of motivation that is self motivation which comes from discipline. Motivation a word often used as an excuse for not doing something. Motivation is nothing but a surge in dopamine. You can’t bet your life on hormone spikes that are temporary. People who truly…

December 15, 2022 / Kaizen

Burnouts are far more common than we think. Every once in a while people go beyond their limits of work either because of passion or pressure. Overworking often leads to a burnout phase. Burnout simply can be described as a tired brain. It’s the phase when you don’t want to…

November 12, 2022 / A Better Man

Intimidation as a word is really simple to understand but in life it is very hard to escape. Intimidation is the act of being compelled or experiencing a sense of fear or insecurity. Intimidation begins with a simple argument and if you allow it to take over it can lead…

October 24, 2022 / A Better Man

Optimism opens you up to opportunities. An Optimist is a person who thinks the future is gonna be better in every situation. But, do you know every successful individual on the planet is an optimist? Everybody talks about persistence, hard work, and hustle but no one talks about how important…

October 3, 2022 / A Better Man

If we go by the definition schedule is defined as a plan to carry out a procedure or process. I would like to emphasize the word plan here. When you have a dream you can’t achieve it without proper plan and execution of that plan. The plan is termed as…