Category: Overdosed

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March 16, 2020 / Overdosed

Coronavirus is a Global Pandemic. Everyone is aware of drastic effects of Coronavirus. The virus already effected 100+ Countries and thousands death around the world. To Keep people at Home Free Unlimited Internet by T-Mobile and Sprint is announced. Internet is a Crucial part of everyone’s life in this internet…

March 15, 2020 / Overdosed

Google is a big name in tech industry. This Company makes every moment of our life easier with its technology. Yet, Google keeps surprising the industry with its amazing tech. Like the iconic single camera. Same is the story for upcoming pixel phones. Google pixel 5 a Surprise. Pixel series…

March 14, 2020 / Overdosed
March 13, 2020 / Overdosed

Apple is filled with surprises. iPhone from the day its first unveiled is put in front of customers as a Magic. Various new features are introduced every year and this year is no different. The rumors are spreading from full screen display to on screen fingerprint. Now Magic Coming with…

March 13, 2020 / Overdosed

Google is one of the most influential brand in our lives. Google is almost everywhere around us and impacts many of our daily life decisions. Products by Google makes our lives easier than ever. One such product helps Create Pdf documents on Your smartphone. Ever wondered what app is that.…

March 12, 2020 / Overdosed

Huawei one of the biggest smartphone manufacturers did face some serious blows in recent years. The Google ban was hard for Huawei and then came the news for a full US ban on Huawei. It is no surprise that the ban is being postponed as there are not many reasons…

March 7, 2020 / Overdosed

Life in Space is exciting and fearsome at the same time. Humans always believed in the existence of life beyond earth. Ever since the modern man started exploring the universe the one thing that excites him is life beyond earth. We call them aliens and as the movies depict they…

March 4, 2020 / Overdosed

Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a virus with no cure. Coronavirus is spreading at a rapid rate across the world. This virus is deadly and infected thousands around the globe. Coronavirus has a long history of discovery. COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 may now have a cure. If this new…

March 3, 2020 / Overdosed

Facebook messenger is a heavy app and it even leads budget smartphones to lag. Budget Smartphones are used by a large population and cannot be ignored. Facebook knows that people spend less time with apps that make phones slow. Facebook made many efforts to make its messenger lighter and better.…

March 2, 2020 / Overdosed

Apple a company that once defined standards of innovation in the tech industry is now hard to survive. The ecosystem that Apple built around its products makes things quite complicated. When you buy one Apple product you soon start thinking to get another for convenience. In order to maximize this…